Freight Audit Services
Why Do Freight Billing Audits Occur?
According to Global Trade Magazine, incorrect freight billing affects between 5-6% of all invoices. When it comes to Freight Billing Audits, there are honest mistakes that are made and there are times when companies try to take advantage of the shipper. In either case, being able to identify and address billing errors and erroneous charges can have a big impact on your company’s bottom line. Here are some of the issues encountered:
Human Error – Freight shipping can be complex when dealing with everchanging rates and discounts. This makes it easy to sometimes overlook the latest update and not charge the correct rate.
Add-on Service Charges – Shippers pay extra for accessorial services such as residential pickup and inside delivery specifications, among others. When these services are charged unnecessarily, the shipper should usually not be charged for them.
Removing Billing Errors. Identifying and addressing these shipment billing issues can help shippers recover up to 5% of their freight costs. PLP Logistics has a long track record of successfully recovering incorrect charges for their customers, equating to thousands of dollars in savings. That becomes a much cheaper option compared to handling these issues in-house. PLP will make sure you keep what is yours.

What are the Advantages of Outsourcing Your Freight Billing Audit Activities?
Accounting Efficiency. Utilizing PLP’s expertise will provide one point of contact to quickly identify discrepancies, coordinate resolutions, and recover money owed.
Cost Savings. Using PLPs services is cheaper than hiring or shifting resources to address freight billing issues.
Motivation. PLP does not get paid unless we find and resolve freight billing issues.
Accountability. PLP will hold your carriers accountable for what they agreed to provide in their contracts.
Having Freight Billing Audits Done By PLP Will
Save You Money
By recovering money due to billing errors that will add to your bottom line.
Save You Time
By getting your money due to you more efficiently than if you used in house resources.
Save You Effort
Allowing your company to focus on growing the business instead of administrative headaches.
How Does PLP Make Freight Billing Audits Easy For You?
Proven Industry Experience – Our team has deep experience in giving our clients the most return on their freight billing discrepancies.
Transparency – You will be able to see up to date reports that show how much we are saving you.
Relentless Follow Through – We will continuously follow up with the carriers until resolution is achieved to satisfaction.
Improvement Via Data – We will notify shipper if BOL's are being created incorrectly or may make suggestions for accurate BOL creation.

Did you know back in 2001, only 46% of Fortune 500 Companies used Logistics Solution Providers? In 2017, that number jumped to 90%!
We certainly appreciate all the updates. Sure could use more logistics companies like PLP.